My youngest boy is one this week :O

I cannot believe that it has been a full year since I was hobbling around, waiting to go into hospital to be induced with my second baby. This year hasn't really flown by as such, it has been quite difficult emotionally after the birth, and our relationships have taken some tweaking, but here we are a year on, and things are quite happy really, if not perfect!

A full year, it seemed to go much slower with Finn, I wonder why that is?!? I have certainly wished away the sleepless nights and the time I get when I can pee all by mine self. Yet I cannot help but wonder where a full year has gone.

I haven't reached many of my targets that I set for myself, doing up the house a bit, sorting out uni... well I guess you really cannot predict what will happen in a full year. I have certainly eaten a years worth of food, but I have had no where near a full years sleep!

Well little dude, if you ever read this, for whatever reason,  I love you both. Having two babies within two years is way too tough! xxx