Guest Blog: The Birth of Jemima- By Phoebe Campbell

As I write this now this time a year ago i'd just started to push, Nathaniel had to switch off the tv (hollyoaks was on that's how i know the time)

We didn't plan to get pregnant. We had talked about starting to sort my diabetes out (type 1. type 1 is a life long, chronic condition caused by the body attacking insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. this means that my body is no longer able to naturally regulate my blood glucose levels (insulin is a hormone which 'unlocks' cells to allow glucose to enter them to be used as fuel). instead, I attempt to replicate this by injecting insulin. the amount of insulin I take each day depends on what I eat, stress levels, exercise, illness ect . there is currently no cure) 

But i wasn't going to see my GP about it till Nov 2010,i remember writing it in my dairy. Diabetics are high risk pregnancy's with high miscarriage rates and labour complications, so we should really plan our pregnancy to be as healthy as possible.

A week later we where pregnant. Did about 5 tests. I had a horrid pregnancy, was in a&e the weekend we found out, Nathaniel had to phone an ambulance after a very bad hypo (Hypoglycemia can happen suddenly. It is usually mild and can be treated quickly and easily by eating or drinking a small amount of glucose-rich food. If left untreated, hypoglycemia can get worse and cause confusion, clumsiness, or fainting. Severe hypoglycemia can lead to seizures, coma, and even death.) 

Then at about 26 weeks had to call another ambulance and stay in a week with a sickness bug and not being able to recover from a hypo. I loved being in an ambulance even when that poorly, such a big kid.

Diabetics need extra care due to the risks. So after 26 weeks its scans and appointments every 2 weeks with the joint obs and diabetic team.

We went for my 34 week scan baby all fine, little large belly and extra fluid, i was measuring bigger by 2 weeks. Felt as pants as ever.

Went to see the team,diabetes fine, lots of low blood sugar and they couldn't work out why most ladies get insulin resistance in the last trimester. Diabetics get it worse but i was the opposite. Non stop low sugars with hardly any medication. Anyway i had protein in my urine and high blood pressure they said it could be pre-eclampsia so they kept me in over night for monitoring.

At this point i was still able to get out of bed and walk about, was allowed to eat but didn't feel like it (wish i had the next day). They kept coming in to me all night checking my blood sugar and blood pressure so not much sleep at all. Woke up Thursday starving hungry Breakfast time on the ward But they take me down to the labour ward before i got any about 7ish.

Get left in a huge delivery room. The consultant whom id seen loads during my pregnancy checked me over and my file, they induced me about 7.30, put me on a water drip and glucose and the nasty basal machine which slowly pumps insulin into your system. Both arms full up. Plus the baby monitor and a Cantor too cause they want to see how much liquid is going in and out.

Nathaniel arrived just as they put the first induction tab in me. Told him to phone mum. The whole day is so blurry after that. Lots of checking on me, taking lots of blood. Lovely midwifes swapping shifts. Nathaniel and mum taking it in turns all day nothing much more happened. They both left me about 10pm as not much happening id had a second lot of induction.

I cried most of the night, no sleep hungry alone scared well its not the best moment I've lived through.

Started getting contractions the next morning but not enough, about 3cms,they put me on that magic drip that speeds it up. I remember mum going the window 'its snowing' so British lol.

I was totally swollen with the pre-eclampsia my legs where about 30 inches across if not more. They hurt so bad. Real elephant legs. Mum rubbing me in baby oil all the time massaging me helped till she stopped. It wasn't the contractions that hurt was the rest of me.

I remember them checking to see how far i was and it hurt like hell. Both mum Nathaniel looking at me like i had no chance if i couldn't handle it.

About 1 they asked if i wanted an epidural, he was a lovely kind gentle man. I couldn't sit i was in that much pain. Took Nathaniel mum the anithisist and a midwife to sit me up and they had to keep hold off me till he'd done. And it hurt so bad. When he stuck the magic needle it, it was so much better. I could kiss that man now.

About 6ish i was 9cm so they got the consultant in. When she examined me 'My god! Does that hurt?' Well duh! I wad swollen down below. She didn't know if the baby would be able to get through.

They didn't want me to have a Cesarean unless i really had too. Because of my diabetes.

They popped my waters with a big knitting needle. I say they there was at least 3 of them down there all the time. Then for the swelling they took a little pointy thing like an embroidery pin and popped all the liquid out of me. Its like they are cross stitching your lady parts. I think of like it a pomegranate fruit and a tooth pick lol.

Descent contractions. Baby ready and okay.

Nathaniel busy watching the Simpson's that one with sideshow bob. Mum with her baby oil. Dr's and midwifes cross stitching me lol. And there is a little knock on the door it my dad. He's drove from London, so they let him in just for 10mins to see me. I sobbingly scream 'don't let him see anything'.

Gets halfway through hollyoaks and i wanted to push. Dad still there think they just forgot about him.

I'm pushing with everything I've got . Id had enough of it all forever ago.

Eventually they can see her head, lots more popping of my pomegranit. Still can't get her out. Got too high on gas and air was ace, such nice place to be. Just leave me here. Back in the room 10 pairs of eyes staring at me. I was dying for a drink of water but the wouldn't let me, the gas and air wasn't helping the thirst.

8 o clock both my parents screaming at me to get her out at 8 mins past, which is the same time i was born.

Think the consultant had let me try long enough. 'right Phoebe lets get Jemima out!' Little cut, forceps then one big last push and out. Relief is not the word. Straight on my chest forever in my heart.

Jemima Campbell born 8.34pm 7th January 6 lb 4 at 34 weeks and 2 days.

The baby Dr's checked her gave her to Nathaniel then dad and mum. About 10 they brought me 2 photos of her. I didn't see her again till Saturday afternoon. Its the hardest thing being apart from them after all that time together.

Kept me in till 14th and Jemima till 19th should have been her due date 14th Feb but she did so well they let her home early. You wouldn't know she'd ever been in trouble and too early. 36 hours nearly 2 of those pushing was so worth it. 

By Phoebe Campbell

 Thank you to Phoebe Campbell, guest blogger and author.