Guest blogs about birthing stories from our heroic Mummy's!

Over the next few weeks I will be featuring a range of wonderful stories, from many lovely guest bloggers. I am really excited to publish all of the stories about the highs and lows of giving birth to their gorgeous bundles of joy.

Having a baby is different for everybody, and everyone's pregnancy and birthing story is completely different to the next. I love hearing about the heroic journey a Mum goes through, before she has even met her child.

I felt every last moment of my pregnancy, and I have a lot of respect for anybody who has brought a life into the world. Luckily for me, the respect for these wonderful, under-rated Mum's carries on. It is an inspiration to read so many stories filled with twists and turns in fate. These Mum's are every-day Mum's, working every single hour of every single day, to raise their child to the best possible standard, and I believe that they are actively making the world a better place by doing so. These Mum's are true hero's. No less.

Thank you other Mummies. It is an honour to publish your magical memories.
By Darren Foster
Me and my big lad

My little Prince's