Guest Blog: The Birth of Baby Number Two- By Hannah Dohoney

2nd baby (10 days early planned every form of pain relief as soon as possible)

There was no way I was going without pain relief for my second baby. After all I went through with my 1st i really felt silly for not having the pain relief available, just to keep up with others! 

I had a few pains but they were no-way strong enough to be labour so as I was due to see the midwife the day after, i held out. Upon seeing her She told me I had a mild water infection that can mimic labour but can also bring labour on so I must ignore any stronger pains.

So off i trott home.

That day the pains get worse and worse but im still unsure whats what.
the next day the pains started to come every 5 minutes apart so we went to labour ward but had to do the 'walk of shame' as was only 1 cm and babys head wasn't even engaged. 

We had planned to go to mum's for a take away that evening as Dad was on holiday, so we went for a indian.

I was in so much pain, I had a bath there and then went down and at 7pm had 1 bite of indian and the pain just was too much. 

I rang labour ward asking if i could take anything stronger for the water infection, they said to come in as they could prescribe something, so in I went with pains 15 mins apart. 

A lovely midwife asked me about the pains and went to get the stronger painkillers bringing the prescription back she said that before I go she will just check if i was dilating at all... 5 cm. 

I was so pleased i burst into tears, we rang mum and told her to look after our eldest as we were there for the evening, as soon as they started to walk me to a delivery room I asked for an epidural.  i think the midwife wanted to talk me out of it but i was so scared of the ordeal last time that i couldn't bear the thought of going without.

I had the epidural but could still feel mild 'pocket' contractions, but the labour and birth were so much more relaxed and i wasn't as scared as i had been with my 1st. i could even feel my baby being born but it wasnt painful. 

Again hubby announced the sex, a boy. 7lb13oz and 10 days early born at 2.45am we were both very tired but really pleased with our bundle of gorgeous-ness.

By Hannah Dohoney

Thank you to Wikipedia links and for definition links. Thank you to Michaela, guest blogger and author.