Custard for everyone! Eat it quick it is out of date.

My Mum is wonderful... I know most people think their Mum's are wonderful, but mine really is and not just for the conventional reasons.

As I have blogged before She has survived a few strokes now, her first at just 32 and She works on her recovery daily and She does it like a hero.

It's sometimes hard to see someone you love suffer so much, and the conditions that She is left fighting leave me with mixed emotions. Empathy, fear, agony, vulnerability, sympathy, admiration... lots of different emotions. However, the best thing to come from is the humorous moments, and without these moments, the rest would become unbearable.

Humor has helped me through many situations and being able to laugh about things when they are no longer quite so raw makes life a bit shinier for me, and it certainly makes me stronger.

My Mum, has always liked a bargain. I think it comes from growing up having nothing at all. Finding a bargain is like finding gold... or finding bargain gold.

Several years ago now, I came to the fridge (when I was still living with my parents as a teenager) looking for a late night snack. When I opened the fridge, all I could see was custard. Tub after tub of ready-made custard... a sea of yellow dessert...

I love custard...but as a lactose intolerant, this made me quite nervous!!!

I closed the fridge...waited a few seconds...adjusted my eyes mentally...then reopened it quickly...


I asked Mum about it and She explained that my brother likes custard...and it was only a few pence...

The trend continues :)