is it sleep'o'clock yet? PLEASE?

This post is simply to remind me to get you both back one day. Yes, this is simply a revenge reminder.

I love my little Princes, but I swear they hate sleeping. So I cling to the days that they will be lying in bed all day like sweaty, sticky, layabouts, in their smelly teenage pits.

Last night Finn woke up twice, not too bad really, however Alfie woke up 6 times. 6 feeds during the night! Finn always wanted a drink through the night, and at about 7 months I put his bottle in his cot and he would help himself whenever he needed a drink. It still woke me up but I could hear that he was ok on the monitor, and he would just go back to sleep after his juice. Alfie is similar in this way, he does not wake, he just squirms about and screams until he gets his milk and if he is left long enough he wakes up and it takes hours to get him back to sleep. The main difference is that Alfie is breast fed, so I have to take him out of his cot and sit with him. This then means that he has to sleep in my room still. I am hoping that in time, he will just grow out of it. So today I have attempted to feed him up so he gets used to eating through the day and hopefully, he will gradually feed less through the night... here is hoping eh...

But mark my words lads, Saturday morning's in 10 years time, you will be woken at 6am!

Love you both, you little monkey's! <3