Second toddler diary entry tales of toddlerhood

Aunty Bekka bringing her Mum mine house me thinks, and her sister. Me love Aunty Bekka's sister. She just have eyebrows. Yup, her eyes are just blue. Alfie is a numbnuts. Him have numbnuts eyes. Me have eyebrows. Alfie have numbnuts eyes.

This morning, me just play. Mummy woked up with Daddy. Daddy went to work with him tool boxes. Daddy's friend came too, from work, to go a work. Me not know him name.

Me had comecrust (cous cous) for mine dinner. What me had with it? Me not remember. It was my favorite. What me had on mine sandwich? Mummy said it was contion (coronation) chicken. Me just called it mine favorite. Alfie not loved it, me just loved it.

When Daddy friend get back to mine house, me going to give him, him pen back.

Me in mine house just having a pint. Me went drunk in me house. Had a pint of coke and a pint cup of tea.

Mummy said Alfie be a labourer and me be builder. Me the worker. Not Alfie. Him not allowed. Daddy thinked them his goggles.

Mummy said have to share mine car with Alfie. Me not share mine car. It just mine car.

Me been naughty today. Me throwed a boot at Mummy's back. You throw a blue ball at your ears to make them very soft.

Me been playing with mine fire engines and me been catching everyone.

We do just being a sausage roll in Mummy's bed. You just be the sausage and you roll around and the blanket is the pastry.

Daddy was on the toilet and me wanted a wee. Me told him to get off the toilet and just poo in the sink!